Mission and Background

FFGOIL’s Mission is to provide learning opportunities and resources that support the healthy development of children and families 

Foundation for Greater Opportunities in Learning (FFGOIL) is an educational non-profit organization established in 1999

Since 1999 we’ve established community partnerships, providing supplemental resources that build the capacity of organizations serving children and families in areas of wellness, parenting, educational therapy, and leadership development.

Our vision is to eradicate the need, when preventable, for children and youth to be removed from their parents.

An alarming 437,283 children in the United States have been removed from their homes and reside in out-of-home placements as a result of maltreatment (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services[HHS], 2018). Programs developed aim to eradicate the need, when preventable, for children and youth to be removed from their parents. We believe that at the core of prevention are certain educational needs that need to be addressed. These needs include healthy and attached parenting, literacy development, access to wellness and community resources, and  individualized support.

Particularly significant are the detrimental effects of abuse and neglect, in addition to the added trauma of being removed from the home. Our programs aim to address the needs of children and families in order to prevent neglect. Neglect is the most prevalent reason for removal from the home. Neglect includes physical and emotional needs. Physical neglect can include children not attending school to not having enough to eat. Emotional neglect can result in behavioral problems. These needs are largely preventable with education, resources, and individualized support.

Outcomes of child maltreatment and growing up in the foster system include poor school performance, dropping out of school, delinquency, homelessness, and incarceration. Youth who have a history in the system are also at greater risk of becoming victims of commercial sexual exploitation or sex trafficking. These detrimental outcomes are largely preventable.

Programs such as relationship-based parenting workshops, wellness education groups, literacy and programs for children and their parents, and individualizing the connection to community resources can provide the needed support that enable families to thrive.

Thank you for your interest and involvement in supporting children and families in our communities in accessing the needed knowledge, skills,  and resources that ensure their stability and success!

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